Freedom Guru 1.4.10
Freedom Guru is the world’s first emotional wellness appsingularlyfocused on INNER FREEDOM through Self-Reflections. Whilethesereflections require a more serious commitment, they can helpyouexperience Inner Freedom in just a single session. It iscreatedwith the single intention to help and guide you through thejourneyto becoming the Master of your Freedom. So that you cancreate andlive an extraordinary life of peace, love, joy, abundanceandfreedom. Every single reflection you will find here will helpyoubecome aware of the limitations that hold you back fromanextraordinary life of freedom. Freedom Guru is anexhaustivereservoir of reflections that will help you with everychallenge,aspiration, opportunity or limitation that you might findyourselfin. It is like having access to the handbook of life. Itgives youthe freedom to unshackle yourself from every limitingbelief andgives you the wisdom to journey into an extraordinarylife. Be itthe freedom to love yourself or to forgive yourself orthe freedomto begin the day with joy or the freedom to discovergreater lovein relationships or the freedom to empower yourself forpeace, joy,love & success. The freedom to overcome loss andfailure. Thefreedom to overcome addictions and habits and a wholearray ofdisempowering emotions. There is a reflection for all. Whenyoubecome aware, you will see the truth. When you see the truth,youare able to set yourself free. With the Freedom Guru app inyourhands, you no longer have to wait, or depend on anyone else tosetyou free. You can find freedom anytime, anywhere. With over100+Freedom Reflections to browse through and many more to come,youwill find your answer to the most powerful question in theworld:“What is stopping me from creating and living anextraordinary lifeof freedom?”. Be it our 15- 20 minute Reflectionor the 7-dayfreedom journey or the 21-day deepening journey, allare crafted toguide you to be the Master of your Freedom. The appwill also helpyou create your own personal "Map to Freedom", tokeep track ofyour progress in the journey. Go on, create and liveanextraordinary life. Find the answer to the most powerfulquestionin the world. Be your own Freedom Guru. Be the Master ofyourFreedom. SUBSCRIPTION TERMS & PRICING Freedom Guru offers6free/complimentary Freedom Reflections, upon registrationwithoutany subscription commitment. Freedom Guru offers a 30 DayFreeTrial, on subscription plans for 6 months and 1 year. Youcancancel anytime during the Free Trial Period of 30 days. Thepricesof the Subscription Model will be displayed at the"Subscriptions"page within the App. Please note that the priceswithin the Appwill be displayed in the local/applicable currency ofthe territoryfrom where you are accessing the App. Once youpurchase aSubscription, you will be charged the price as displayedin thelocal/applicable currency. You are responsible for allapplicablefees and charges incurred, including applicable taxes,upon aSubscription purchased by you. The prices listed on theServicesare inclusive of applicable taxes, unless otherwise stated.ThePrivacy Policy for Freedom Guru is availableon The Terms of UseforFreedom Guru are available on